If you read my prior post on skincare then you know I have struggled with some Melasma and sun-spots in my life. I'm not getting any younger and I know that I can't be the only girl out there with this problem. So, I am posting these crazy awful photos so you can see my results and hopefully help someone else who has this problem. After all, how good is a cute outfit if you have a splotchy face?
In my previous post I talked about having melasma. I also have some sun spots/hyperpigmentation, but that is the problem... I have both. I went to many clinics and a dermatologist. They would treat me for sunspots instead of melasma. If they figured out I had melasma it seems nothing much would help. Melasma is brown spots on the face due to hormonal changes. You guessed it ladies, women are 90% more likely to have melasma than men. Another joy of being a female... Melasma can get worse with pregnancy or using birth control pills because these things affect our hormones. It has also been linked to stress and thyroid disease. It can flare up from being in the sun or really any type of heat like a sauna or just getting hot while working out at the gym. (Yes! So frustrating, right?!) Unfortunately, there is really no cure for melasma once you get it, you can only control it. Also, it is expensive to control because you are constantly buying creams and getting facials to see what works. I have tried soooo many things, including OTC creams such as Peter Thomas Roth, Sunday Riley Good Genes, a few Jessner Peels from estheticians, the Vi Peel (which was recommended by my dermatologist) and I even tried Rodan and Fields Reverse Regimen. Not long ago, I tried some IPL treatment called Limelight. If you have melasma you have to be really careful about using any lasers on your face because if the wrong one is used it can also cause depigmentation.
Thanks to the team at The Skin Clinics East, I have been on a regimen where I am seeing results in as little as a couple months. I started on a few Zo Medicals products from Obagi and a 0.05% Tretinoin Cream. (Ladies, if you are over 30 you need to be on a Tretinoin Cream. It totally keeps the crepey skin at bay!) I started off with a Hydro facial then began using these products and I saw immediate improvement in the texture and brightness of my skin. Two weeks ago, I got a chemical peel called the 3 Step Peel. I have had a few Jessner peels, but I have NEVER peeled like this before in my life. But, ya know what? It worked. I am posting some pictures below so you can see how my skin looked at each step of the way. If you are struggling with melasma or any skin issue, I suggest that you see an esthetician who will not just randomly treat you or give you what you ask for... go see one that will tell you what you need and put you on a plan. If you want some good info about aging skin and what you need to do, click here to check out The Skin Clinics website.
Here are my progress photos so you can see what you think about the results.
