If you have looked at any fashion magazines lately then you know sneakers and tennis shoes are now on a new level in the fashion world. Sneakers and tennis shoes are no longer just for exercise or comfort. They are a trend! The most popular brand to stand out are the Golden Goose tennis shoes. The name fits these shoes perfectly because they are "golden" in the sense that they are expensive. A typical pair of Golden Goose tennis shoes will set you back around $550.00.

I don't know about you all, but I'm not really excited to spend $500.00 on a pair of tennis shoes no matter how cool they are and unless they give me increased energy I won't be wearing them to the gym. I would probably just wear them a few times when I need to spice up some casual outfits.
My love for a fashion trend and logical thinking led me on a search for some cool sneakers that I can wear without breaking the bank. I am posting some really cute ones below that I found and wanted to share. I would wear these in the fall and winter with leggings or skinny jeans and in the spring or summer with a cute jean skirt or jean cut-offs. I hope you all enjoy shopping for sneakers!